If there was a way to enhance your massage, increase your productivity, reaffirm your client relationship and increase your revenues, would you be interested? AQUA-CEL(tm) Corporation has a heating pad system that can help you do all of these.
Enhance Your Massage The AQUA-RELIEF(tm) System includes two conductive, moist heating pads which are used to promote relaxation of muscles prior to, and during, massage. They are non-electric, non-chemical and portable, delivering safe, soothing, uniform heat. |
Increase Your Productivity The AQUA-RELIEF(tm) Pads are cushioned with internal foam and are simply filled with hot water or microwaved before use. When used to relax muscles or reduce pain, you can work quicker and more effectively, providing your client something very special. Your clients will love these pads! |
Increase Your Revenues | |
When using the AQUA-RELIEF(tm) Pads on your clients, many of them will want one for themselves. You may simply order at dealer price and resell them. There is no direct selling involved. Just use the product during massage and your clients will ask for it. |
Regency Product
P.O. Box 64572
Los Angeles, CA 90064
Tel 323-266-2500 Fax 323-297-2599
Email david@regencyproducts.com